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  • Ghati Subramanya Swamy Temple-Ghati Subramanya
  • Ghati Subramanya Swamy Temple-Ghati Subramanya
  • Ghati Subramanya Swamy Temple-Ghati Subramanya
  • Ghati Subramanya Swamy Temple-Ghati Subramanya

Ghati Subramanya Swamy Temple

Ghati Subramanya, SS Ghati, Doddaballapur, Karnataka
(SKU: KA50/7714)
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The Ghati subramanya temple is an ancient Hindu temple that is surrounded by scenic natural beauty on the outskirts of Bangalore. It is located near Tubagere, Doddaballapura, a location famous for housing this very temple. It is 60 kilometers away from the city, it is a fairly popular pilgrimage center. The temple contains the pictures of Adi Sesha and Vasuki along with the lord Subramanya. Lord Subramanya, being the chief deity is found to be sitting gracefully on a peacock in the Sanctum. Prasad distributed to the devotees is sand collected from the anthills located in the sanctum.
The temple has a recorded history of close to 600 years. It was developed by the then rulers of Sandur, called the Ghorpades. These rulers were also known to have ruled parts of Bellary. The main idol of the temple, that of Lord Karthikeya faces towards the east. This is to reflect the rising of the sun. The idol of lord Narasimha on the other hand, faces west. For the benefit of the devotees, the temple authorities performed a rather benevolent action. They installed a large mirror in the rear of the temple. The mirror was aptly placed in the Sanctum Sanctorum, thus facilitating the devotees to see both the deities at the same time.
The temple's primary deity, “Lord Karthikeya” is said to have been excavated along with “Lord Narasimha”. The term excavation referring to the fact that according to recorded mythology, they are said to have emerged together from the earth. The temple is also said to be an epitome for the worship of snakes. Ghati Subramanya is said to have great importance especially in South India for this very fact. The traditional belief states that a couple who is childless, upon visiting the Ghati Subramanya temple shall be blessed by the deity residing in the temple. The couple are encouraged to take sacred vows that strengthen their bond and bless them with a child. A ritual that is often linked with this process involves in installing the idol of a snake near the temple premise. This is the reason why, upon entering the temple complex, a visitor is bound to observe numerous idols of snakes.
A significant aspect of the temple is the main idol that adorns the temple. The idol is that of the lord Karthikeya with a seven headed cobra. It is astonishing for several visitors to note the fact that the entire idol was carved out from a single stone. The intricacies that are involved in the idol and the temple as a whole never fail to surprise the visitors, especially upon realizing that the temple is well over 5 centuries old.
There are several special rituals and celebrations conducted during the Pushya Shuddha Shashti, otherwise known as Brahmarathotsava. Another special and major festival celebrated is named 'Narasimha jayanti'. An unusual practise conducted in this temple is that of conducting a cattle fair. The cattle fair is held during the end of the year, usually in the month of December. The fair is very popular in South India, with most of the neighboring states participating in it. The people from states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra and also distributed locations in Karnataka participate in the Cattle Fair.
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