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  • Tiruthanjaimaamani Kovil/Tanjore-Sri Neelamegha Temple

Tiruthanjaimaamani Kovil/Tanjore

Sri Neelamegha Perumal Temple, Thanjavur, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN49/9320)
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Sri Neelamegha Perumal Temple  in Thirukannapuram, a village on the outskirts of Nagapattinam in the south indian state of Tamilnadu, is dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu.  It is one of the 108 Divyadesams dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped as Neelamegha Perumal, and his consort Lakshmi as Tirukannapura Nayagi.
This is the one and only temple where three temples are worshipped as one Divyadesam temple, within a distance of one mile each. It is said  that Maharishi Parasara and all other Rishi’s wished to have the darshan of Lord Narayanan (Lord Vishnu) on Earth, so Lord Narayanan sat on the bank of the river Vinnaaru, which flows with ‘Amudham‘ (brings eternity) in Vishnuloga.
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