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  • Puja For Relief From Legal Problems/Court Cases
  • Puja For Relief From Legal Problems/Court Cases
  • Puja For Relief From Legal Problems/Court Cases
  • Puja For Relief From Legal Problems/Court Cases

Thirupurambiyam Saatchinathar Shiva Temple Thiruparambuyam Kumbakonam Tn

Puja For Relief From Legal Problems/Court Cases
(SKU: TN49/2355)
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It is said that Offering of Pooja and homage to the idol of Ardhanaareeshwar acts like a weapon to stop your enemy from doing harm against you. It is also believed that by offering Puja here, you will be able to get instant relief from legal problems; you will also be able to get rid of being the victim of adverse incidents. If you wish to win over your enemies, the idol of Ardhanaareeshwar can act as a perfect weapon. The Lord will destroy any sort of your enemies. They will also become friendlier towards you and they will also save you from the effect of Black Magic and Evils eye. To get the victory in legal issues, offering of Pooja here plays a really very Vital Role.It is also said that claimed that the idol of Ardhanaareeshwar can paralyze enemys speech, Black Magic as well as his intention to create abuse against someone. Lord Ardhanaareeshwar is great to call when there lies and gossip floating around. The Lord has the power to destroy enemy's mind. It is also claimed to be that worshipping Lord Ardhanaareeshwar turns people who are hostile to you friendlier and they stop doing harm to you. The Lord Ardhanaareeshwar can also turn things to its reverse. The Lord is able to turn silence into speech, defeat into a victory, ignorance into knowledge, poverty into wealth, ugliness into beauty, Selfishness to friendliness. He also unfolds the reality behind the appearance and save us from being deceived by something and by someone.If you wish to appease the Lord you will have to burn ghee Pala bati or three Agarbati inside the temple. You can also offer purple or yellow color clothes or flowers to the Goddess. You can wear yellow or purple colored clothes while performing the pooja.
t is a temple which is located in Trichy, Tamil Nadu. It is as old as the Sangam period and it also has a charming location since it is situated atop a small hill. It has been said that at one point of time the sage Birungi marched straight past her to worship only Lord Shiva. His consort Parvati asked Lord Shiva to give her a place in his own body which was immediately granted and so, at this temple is worshipped the deity of Ardhanaareeshwar, who is a combination of Lord Shiva and also that of Goddess Parvati. Parvati can be seen on the left side of the body, and on the other hand Lord Shiva is seen on the right. This temple is a special one as it was on the hill where it is located that Parvati sat in meditation to request the favor from Shiva. Benefits of the pooja Devotees who have had some or the other pooja conducted in this temple have seen that all their Legal Problems and or court cases have vanished without a trace. After the pooja, the deity in the temple blesses the couple with good thoughts and the will to be good to their partner.
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