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Navarna Maha Mantra meaning and benefits

!!! Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundayai Vichche !!!

Navarna Mantra (chamunda mantra or chandi mantra) is moolmantra and the most powerful mantra of Goddess Durga. Chanting the mantra correctly and doing anushthan of the mantra increases the confidence of the person. Goddess Durga becomes the protector and the devotee becomes fearless. Who can cause a harm to a sincere devotee whose protector is the great goddess Durga! Regular chanting of this mahamantra leads to the devotee attaining ‘Sayujy state’ (meaning as good as) with almighty Goddess.

It’s a tough/ challenging time for all of us these days. It’s high time that we all, especially women regain the confidence. It is highly recommended that every daughter / sister/ mother/ lady, be anywhere in the world, should chant this mantra. Attain the ‘Sayujy state’ with Durga Devi. Then the person will radiate with confidence. No one will dare to harm dedicated devotee of Durga. It is high time that one acquires the strength and power, become Durga. Acquire the power of Chandi , Kali, Chamunda and Durga. Have the courage and will power to rule the world.

It’s is very auspicious to start chanting ‘NAVARAN MANTRA’ from this Ashwin Navaratri. Don’t stop with the Navaratri. Chant daily. Chanting mantra 108 times daily takes only 3 minutes. Understand that devi Durga herself is advising you to start chanting the mantra. It is recommended to chant the mantra 125,000 times during Navaratri. However, one can chant daily 1/3/5/7/9 malas.

Here it’s very important to learn the story of why all the Gods invoked shakti to protect them from mighty Shumbh-Nishumbh and Chand-Mund and Raktabeej.

Durga-Saptashati is considered as very powerful by all devotees of ‘SHAKTI’. The devotees regularly do anushthan of Durga-Saptashati in each Navaratri and perform homam. All the negativity and obstacles get removed and the devotee becomes successful in all his/her endeavour. There are many powerful mantras which are used as a remedy to overcome the problems- such as victory over the invincible enemy, getting wealth, get rid of diseases etc.

The story narrated in ‘Durg Saptashati’ is as follows:

Shumbh and Nishumbh were very powerful demons and were invincible. They had defeated every one in trilok, even the Gods; and were ruling the three worlds (त्रैलोक्य). They had seized all the powers from the Gods. Entire wealth / precious things were seized by them. Helpless Gods went into hiding in the Himalayas. At last, they surrendered to the Goddess Bhagavati / Jadamaba/ Parvati (these are names of the Goddess, she is one and the same). They requested her to protect them from Shumbh-Nishumbh. Goddess defeated mighty Dhumralochan, Raktabeej, Chand, Mund, and finally Shumbh and Nishumbh. The three worlds got freedom from the demons Shumbh and Nishumbh, whom no one could defeat.

As Kali defeated Chand and Mund demons, she is called ‘Chamunda’.

As goes naturally, navaran mantra gives you power of almighty Goddess. The mantra is called Navarn because it has 9 syllables. The number 9 is special number. When any number is multiplied with 9, the result is multiple of 9 itself. The number has tremendous power.

|| ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुंडायै विच्चे ||
Om is chanted in the beginning of this mahamantra

There are many secrets about this mantra

Beej means seed. Seed has a power to grow into full grown tree. Thus each letter in this mantra has tremendous power to grant unlimited results to us.

What each beejakshar reflects

  1. Om refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge). The syllable is often found at the beginning of Shloka or verse in Sanskrit.
  2. Aim is the beej Mantra of Goddess Mahasaraswati who is the Goddess of creation and both worldly and divine knowledge.
  3. Hreem is the beej Mantra of Goddess Mahalakshmi who is the Goddess of wealth, fame, luck and all worldly affairs.
  4. Kleem is the beej Mantra of Goddess Mahakali who is the Goddess of fierce power and death.
  5. Chamundayai is the Mantra of Goddess Chamunda (Durga) the Goddess who protects chanter’s body, life and complete self with passion.
  6. Vichche is the Mantra of Divine Consciousness and helps its chanter to go deep into his/her self while chanting or meditating.

Navadurga, chakra and planets influenced by each Beejakshar:

  1. ऐं – Shailaputri – Sun – Muladhar chakra
  2. ह्रीं - Brahmacharini – Moon- Swadhishthan chakra
  3. क्लीं - Chandraghanta -Mars – Manipur chakra
  4. चा - Kushmanda – Mercury -Anahat chakra
  5. मुं – Skandamata – Jupiter- Vishuddha chakra
  6. डा – Katyayani – Venus – Ajna chakra
  7. यै – Kalaratri – Saturn – Sahastrar chakra
  8. वि – Mahagauri – Rahu – Sahastrar chakra
  9. च्चै – Siddhidatri – Ketu- Ashta siddhi

With chanting of Navaran mantra Navadurgas are worshipped. Evil effects of nine planets are warded-off. Chakras are the points in our body through which subtle energy flows. It is vital that all the chakras are energised and are in a balanced state. The physical, mental and spiritual health of a person depends on how balanced and energised the chakras are.

Chanting of Navarna mantra should be started from the first day of Navaratri. Rosary of Crystal, Rudraksh or Lotus Seed is good for chanting this Navarna Mantra.

Mantra also gives special powers to devotee to fight against the evil spirits and negative vibrations. It also helps to attain abundance and divine knowledge. It also helps to release all the sins and obstacles from chanter’s life. The Mantra is very powerful as its helps the chanter to sustain prosperity, wealth, joy and happiness. Most important benefit from chanting of this mantra is it helps in the spiritual progress.

What will be the vehicle of Devi when she arrives, this Navaratri?

शशि सूर्य गजरुढा शनिभौमै तुरंगमे। गुरौशुक्रेच दोलायां बुधे न ..

Above shloka is in Devi Bhagawat Puran, indicating the vahan or mode by which the Goddess will arrive for Navaratri. This year Navaratri starts on Saturday. Thus, vahan will be Horse. Horse implies likelihood of war or war like situation in next 3 months in the world. It also indicates trouble for the Government (can be in any country or state in the world)

Pray and worship Durga devi with all devotion and sincerity this Navaratri ! May Jagadamba bless you and protect from difficulties !

Researched and Compiled by-
Dr Mrudul Gokhale and Purvesh Shelatkar