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  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple
  • Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Temple

Kumbakonam Sarangapaani Perumal Vishnu Temple

Kumbakonam, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN49/1011)
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To be well-settled in life, with a good job, is something that everyone wants. Unfortunately, for some people, this dream is difficult to grasp. Everyone knows at least one person who works hard at his or her workplace, puts in a ton of efforts to be eligible for a raise or promotion, does over-time; in short, performs the tasks at the workplace exceedingly well, but still does not see any growth in his or her career. In most cases, this is due to a dosha that is related to career and job prospects. Information about the pooja: The Lords at the Adi Kumbeshwarar Shiva Temple are also benevolent to devotees who face other kinds of trouble in their professional life. People, who have not been able to secure jobs, even though they have the right qualifications, often feel very frustrated. They tend to become pessimistic, thinking that there is no hope in life any more. Such people would be well-advised to have some rites performed at this temple.
What is worth knowing is that such doshas can be corrected, by the performance of a pooja at certain temples. A well-known temple for the performance of poojas for job dosha correction is the Adi Kumbeshwarar Shiva Temple, located in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu. A pooja done here is always effective in giving relief to the bhakta on whose behalf it is performed. Many thousands of people have seen that their professional life, which was earlier at a standstill, has seen lots of positive growth after a worshipping ceremony has been completed in the temple. From never being able to get promoted, they have seen multiple promotions in a short span of time. Many people also see the benefits of this pooja in the form of bonus cheques, or even a raise. Benefits of the pooja: They will be able to find more job offers, and will certainly be accepted to a post that they will be happy and content with. People who had a good job to begin with, but were removed from it for any reason, can also seek relief by performing a pooja to correct a job dosha. It is often difficult to secure a good job after one has been lost, but it is certainly possible with the blessings of the Lord. In fact, it may even be that a new job is found which is much better than the old one. It is necessary to have faith in the workings of the Lord, and to offer one's destiny up to him. It may sound unbelievable, but the loss of a job may lead to much better things in the future, if a pooja is correctly performed at such a time. For hundreds of years, devotees have been witness to how a pooja done at the right temple can result in the betterment of their life. At the Adi Kumbeshwarar Shiva Temple, too, many people have arrived despairing, but have received great gifts from the Lord after performance of poojas. Those who have any professional problems should certainly learn from this, and join in the worship of Lord Shiva.
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