Bikkavolu Subramanya Swamy is one of the oldest temples in the east Godavari province of Andhra Pradhesh. This temple is a shrine to many devotees in the south of India and is dedicated to Sri Subramanyeswara Swamy.
Long back in ancient times there once lived a potter Veeravarapu Parvathalu. He was a great devotee of Lord Shiva and worshipped him day and night. It is said that the lord was pleased with his devotion and dedication and once appeared in his dream. He told him to dig up an anthill and find his lingam there. He dis as was instructed and in fact found the Lingam below the anthill. Amazed by this miracle he started worshipping the Lingam with all devotion. He also prepared certain idols of Haose, Garuthmanthudu and Nandi with clay and placed them to complete his temple. These idols were baked such that their original forms retained for centuries. The lingam is believed to be a self-manifestation and hence holds unique position in terms of religious beliefs.
The temple is considered very sacred since the Lingam is in the self-manifestation form. People who worship here with full devotion are believed to be granted all wishes. All the more, those suffering from any kind of dosha like Sarpa or Kalasarpa are believed to be relieved of these negative energies after worshipping the lord and performing the rituals. Lord Shiva and Lord Kartikeya are believed to be the main idols in this temple.
Some of the legends show that Lord Subrahmanyeswar was the son of Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati. When he was in the womb of Goddess Parvati, it is said that she had to transform him to Ganga devi as her womb was unable to keep the foetus in its running state. Even Ganga Devi could not beat the foetus which then eventually slipped into grass. What happened after that is unknown. Hence the idol of Lord Subrahmanyeswar is considered to be a self-manifestation embodied with immense powers.
There are two grand festivals which are held every year with all its grandeur. Subramanyeswara Swamy Shashti is celebrated in the month of December while Festival called Vinayaka Chaviti is celebrated in the month of September. It attracts devotees from far and wide. Located at Bikkavou which falls in the middle of the passage from Rajahmundry and Kakinada, it is well connected by roads and railways. The nearest airport is in Rajahmundry