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  • Attur Thalayatti Vinayagar Ganapathy Temple
  • Attur Thalayatti Vinayagar Ganapathy Temple
  • Attur Thalayatti Vinayagar Ganapathy Temple
  • Attur Thalayatti Vinayagar Ganapathy Temple

Attur Thalayatti Vinayagar Ganapathy Temple

Attur,Salem, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN27/1674)
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The temple is located in Attur of Salem district in TamilNadu. The temple is dedicated to Lord Ganesha and called with a unique name- Thalayatti Vinayagar. This temple has a history of 500 to 1000 years. The theertham is Vasishta River. The town of Attur is previously known as Attrur.
According to legend Sage Vasishta carry out penance at several places along the river Vasishta. He has done the penance due to his sins in the past or in his previous birth. He has a habit of installing a Siva Lingam wherever he went and Lord Siva granted him his devotion and bhakthi. While praying here, the sage wanted the god to give him a darshan in the form of Jyoti like in Tiruvannamalai. Lord Shiva granted the wish and appeared in the form of Jyoti and the sage installed the Lingam.The Lingam buried in the sands and in the following days. Once a ruler named Getti Mudali ruled this region and god appeared in his dream. He told him to take him out of the buried sands and build a new temple. The ruler went to the site and removed the sand and retrieved the Lingam and found a treasure with gold, silver ornaments. He built the temple with the treasure.Before starting the work of constructing the temple the ruler prayed to god Vinayagar and the god gave his approval. He also supervised the construction activities of the temple. After the completion of building the temple, the ruler asked the god that he had done the work of the temple according to agama sastras. Lord Ganesha shook his head in approval. Thus the god is praised as Thalayatti Vinayagar- means shaking his head in right and left directions.
The people of Hindu community have strong faith in Lord Vinayagar also known as Pillayar. Before starting any work it is custom for everyone and they seek the god's permission to execute the program without any hurdles. It is belief that the program started with Vinayagar permission will give success.The temple is famous for reducing the effects of planets, clear hurdles in marriage. There are many rivers flowed across the region in the past and the place is called as Attrur. This was later known as Attur. Lord Shiva gives darshan to his devotees in nearby place and with a name as Kaya Nirmaleshwarar.
The temple is open to darshan from 6 AM to 12 Noon in the morning and from 4 PM to 8.30 PM in the evening. The phone number of the temple is +91 4282 320607. As the temple is located in main part of the town and it is easy for the devotees to visit the temple.
Every year on the day of Vinayagar chathurthi the temple wore a festive look. Many devotees throng the temple and offering their prayers. Like in many temples two Kala Pujas are performed in the temple by priests.
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