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  • Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple
  • Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple
  • Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple
  • Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple
  • Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple

Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple Tirumiyachur Tiruvarur Tamilnadu

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The Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Devi Temple is about 1000 years old, situated at the Tirumeeyachur city, at Tiruvarur district, Tamilnadu. The temple has many history and myths which is famous all over India. This temple is the 56th temple of Lord Shiva situated near the southern banks of river Cauvery flowing by the Thevaram hymns. Rathasapthami is one of the grand festivals that are celebrated in this very temple during month of January – February.
The priests believe that the history which is linked to this place is, once a dreaded devil Pandasura was troubling the sages. The sages went to Mother Parasakthi so that she can give them safety. In response to their plea, Devi took rise from the Yaga, climbed over Sri Chakra as Lalithambika, started the war alongside the devil and at last she ruined him. She was angry and Lord Shiva asked Mother Parasakti to come to Earth, with the name of Manonmani so that she could calm down her anger. She became pliable and kind after coming to this very temple. She formed the Vak Devathas-deities to rule words and asked them to chant her commend with about 1000 names.
This is believed that it is the confinement place of Aruna, Garuda, the Sun's charioteer, and Saneeswara. Therefore, people carry out the Mrutyunjaya homam and the Ayush Homam at this very temple in many festivals. Mother Kali is also worshiped in this very temple. It believed that this birth place of various gods and lord Shiva is one of the great gods belongs to this place. A great history that is kept going on from King's time is still belongs here and that is the reason in every season or festival people comes here to visit the god and pray for the kindness. Lord Brahma, Vishnu is also worshiped as the myth about this temple also says a lot about existence of them. This age-old temple is one of the finest temples that is popular across the country and believed as one of the great Shiva temple of India
There are many facts around this temple. This is believed that this religious temple was founded by one of the king of south India as he got message from lord Shiva and also many myths exists about the temple. In Tamil books it is mentioned that in this very temple many years before some of the most powerful kings of India has visited to get the kindness of Lord Shiva and spent so much of money and jewellery which is still believed kept as hidden treasure.
In many festivals especially in the march of April-May huge crown of pilgrims come to this very temple to worship lord Shiva and Vishnu. Mother Lalithambika is believed as the most powerful goddess of this temple and to please her visitors from all over country and mostly southern states of India come with many prayers so that she give bless to them. This historical temple has many festivals which are celebrated during the year

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