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  • Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple
  • Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple
  • Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple
  • Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple
  • Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple

Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple

Thirukannapuram,Tiruvarur, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN50/1658)
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Tirukannapuram Sowriraja Perumal Temple is a magnificent temple located in the state of Tamil Nadu. Part of the 108 enshrines of Lord Vishnu, this attracts thousands of devotees all year round.
Long back, devotees of Lord Vishnu including the sages and the rishi muni's performed penance for Lord Vishnu and did tapasya day and night. Since, they were on fast for days together, there body had turned to skeleton. A king named Uparisiravasu was once passing by the forest when he happened to see these sages. He was blessed with the Astakshara Mantra a powerful mantra which could defeat anyone. Since, they were hungry; they began cutting the paddy crops and by mistake started hurting these sages too. Looking at the scenario, Lord Vishnu himself appeared in front of the men in the form of a small boy and started fighting them. The entire army could not overcome the strength and agility of the boy. Seeing this, the king used his powerful Astakshara Mantra on the boy in order to defeat him. However, the mantra lost its power. It was then that the King realized that this boy was none other than Lord Vishnu himself. He worshipped him and begged pardon on his behavior. The lord was pleased and gave darshan to the king in the form of Neelamega Perumal. Later on, he built a magnificent temple with the help of the greatest sculptor Vishwakarma and since then the Lord resides here and blesses his devotees.
The temple is very significant as the Lord Perumal is known for granting wishes related to hair. People worship him for welfare, hair problems and for getting a child.
The temple forms a part of the 108 divyadesams and hence is considered very pious. A unique feature of the idol in this temple is that there is a small scar which can be seen on the right eyebrow of the Lord. Further, the Navagraha's also reside inside the sanctum and can be seen along with their zodiac signs.
MasiMagam festival is the most popular festival celebrated in this temple. It is usually observed on the 10th day of the Full moon which falls in the month of February and March. The festival lasts for about 13 days and attracts tourists and devotees alike. Other noteworthy festival is the Vaikasi Brahmomotsav which falls on poornima and also lasts for about 13 days. This is also celebrated on a grand scale. Theerthavari marks the end of this festival which actually speaks of the marriage of the two Lords and is observed with processions and chants. Ekadashi is observed here according to the Tamil Calendar and is observed with all the norms and rituals. Other important festivals which form an essential part of this temple are Navratri. Janmashtmi, Chitrapoornima in the month of April, Tirularthikai in the month of November-December and Tiruvadipooram which falls in the month of July- August. Apart from the aforementioned festivals, special pujas are held on the eve of New Year with full decoration, gatherings and a feast for all.
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