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  • Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple
  • Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple
  • Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple
  • Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple
  • Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple
  • Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple

Koothanur Mahasaraswathi Amman Temple

Koothanur,Nr Tiruvarur, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN51/1108)
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Koothanur Maha Saraswati Amman Temple is situated near Kumbakonam, in the state of Tamil Nadu, is a small but very important and charming temple. This temple, the Koothanur Maha Saraswati Amman Temple, is dedicated to Saraswati, the goddess of Learning and Wisdom. As can be readily guessed, those who are fond of learning find their way to this temple to offer their prayers to the Goddess. While for some, the smallness of the place can prove to be something of a surprise, most devotees are at once pleasantly struck by the feeling of divinity that is very apparent in the temple and in the village about it. The temple gates open at around 7:30 am, but even before this, the atmosphere around the temple seems to become hallowed. Beautiful white lotus flowers, which are the symbol of the goddess Saraswati, are sold singly and in the form of garlands, and notebooks, pens and pencils can also be bought to offer to the Goddess.
The pooja done in honour of the goddess Saraswati is a simple one, but of great benefit to those who are in the pursuit of knowledge. Students who want to do better at school would come to pray at this temple. After the pooja, it is customary to distribute notebooks and pens to people. Some people even distribute pictures and statues of the Goddess, once they have successfully completed the pooja.
They can pay for better results not only when it comes to examinations, but also in their day to day life, where an understanding of school syllabus is a must. Next, people who have any sort of examinations to take, such an entrance examination to a college, or an examination for promotion at work, would do well to pray to the Goddess Saraswati at the Koothanur Maha Saraswati Amman Temple. They will find, after the pooja, that they can study much better, retain what they studied for a longer time, and recall it when the time comes for the test. It is not just students who need to pray to the goddess Saraswati, though. Each and every day, we make lots of important decisions that involve application of the mind, and affect our future. In order to choose well, and to decide what the right thing to do is, we need to have knowledge and wisdom. These can be gained by praying to the Goddess. Saraswati helps her worshippers to maintain purity of mind. This aspect of purity is seen in how the swan is ever-present with her: the swan is a bird that is always guileless and which, according to tradition, can discern what is good and what is wicked. Certainly, praying to the Goddess Saraswati can lead to a lot of good things, peace of mind not being the least among them. As knowledge is an incomparable treasure, that can never be stolen away and multiplies upon learning, it may be said that the blessings of the Goddess Saraswati are all that one needs to live a happy, useful, content life.
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