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  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple
  • Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple

Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple

Palani, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN57/1139)
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Since times immemorial temples have stood as the house of ultimate faith, social understanding and a voyage to spirituality. Tamil Nadu has been a place where devotees visit because of their peace and faith in the place.In north India, known as Lord Karthikeya, Subrahmanya in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh ,and as Lord Muruga in Tamil Nadu and other south Indian states, he has 6 abodes in Tamil Nadu. One of the six abodes is Palani Dhandaayudhapaniswamy Murugan Temple.
This temple has been in existence since 1000 years, but has been renovated recently. The Lord Muruga's idol was made by sage Bogar who used an amalgam of nine poisonous substances for it. It is said that there is a contrast in the features made of the face and that of sculpting the body. The reason given is because of the extra time given to beautify the face using the chisel; the paste started getting dry which resulted in the not so perfect work over the body as compared to the exceptionally beautiful work on the face.Centuries after the temple fell into total silence and got lost in the forest. In around the 7th century AD, Cheraman Perumal, king of the Cheras at that time took shelter at the foot of the hills that night after being lost in the woods after the hunting. He confessed that he had a dream of Lord Karthikeya who asked him to rebuild the temple and so he did comply with the words of the Lord.
The idol made up of the poisonous substances, all mixed in this ratio, and has its own medicinal value. The devotees across the provincial territories and the national borders still visit the temples for their faith embedded in the temple. People who were inflicted with incurable diseases were cured of the same.
Once Narada Muni visited Lord Shiva and Parvati's court in Kailasha, to which he brought a fruit of wisdom, called gyana-pazham. Out of love, Lord Shiva gave it to Parvati. Parvati, a loving mother was too generous to eat alone, and thought to give it to her children. But as the fruit couldn't be divided, a competition came up for the two children, Ganesha and Karthikeya, where they had to travel round the globe and the one to come first back was to be given the fruit. Accepting the challenge, Karthikeya mounted on his peacock and started his journey. Meanwhile, Lord Ganesha circumambulated his parents. His parents appreciated this and awarded him with the gyana-pazham. Furious at the judgment on his return, Karthikeya left for the Panami hills.
Abhishekham, a ritual where oil, sandalwood, unguents milk and water used in last for bathing, for anointment of the idols. The Abhishekham is carried out four times a day, starting with morning, afternoon, evening and at night before the temple is being closed. After the Abhishekham, alangaran is carried out, in which the idol is dressed as a king, or a priest, or a hunter, or a monk. Also, most of the evenings are marked with the devotees drawing the golden chariot which carries the idol.
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