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  • Pazhamudirsolai Subramanya Swamy Murugan Temple
  • Pazhamudirsolai Subramanya Swamy Murugan Temple
  • Pazhamudirsolai Subramanya Swamy Murugan Temple

Pazhamudirsolai Subramanya Swamy Murugan Temple

Pazhamudircholai, AzhagarKoil, Madurai, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN58/1144)
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Located in the Pazhamudircholai village of the Madurai district in the state of Tamil Nadu, the temple, as the namesuggests, is fully dedicated to the Lord Murugan. The temple is located exactly 15 kilometers towards the north side of the Madurai district.
The temple, as it is present now was the one that was initially designed for the Lord Vishnu that then later on was changed to the Lord Murugan due to the horoscope issues with the place and the temple deity worships inthe specified incarnations. The temple was initially termed as the Azhagar Kovil where the Lord Maha Vishnu was given equal importance. Then later on, due to the outrivaling circumstances of the temple that would worsen the initiatives of the temple as was then soon foreseen by the astrologists. They came up with the hosorscopic mismatch and the misconnections among these two idol worships with equal importance in the same place might be the reason. Because of that, the temple was reconstructed with the single deities as the main worship in nearby locations.
Being well known as the temple dedicated for the Lord Murugan, this holy destination is also known as the Aarupadai veedugal. Frequentlythetemple is visited by the different devoteesand even by the visitorsorthe tourists from the worlds due to the belief and faith in the LordMurugan.The Lord incarnated here is of great importance and significance. Though the temple is mainly dedicated for the Lord Muruga, there are subdeities also. The sub deity's of the temple include the Lord Ganesha, Lord Mahadeva or the Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga, Lord Ayappa or the Brahma sashtha, and the Nagaraja.
The unique fact related to the temple isthat almost 90%of the temple would have the internal shrine where the main deity will be placed to worship. Here the internal shrine is open to the devotees and can view the Lord Murugan too close.
Since the main deity of the temple is the Lord Muruga, Thaipoosam would be the most important festival that would be celebratedwith great deed of devotion in the temple. Moreover, other major festival also includes the Kirtigai, Brahmotsava, and the famous Khanda Sashti. It is to be noted that the temple is not limited to these festivals. The long list is yet to initiate. It also celebrates the festivals that are related to the sub deities also. VinayagaChathirthiisalso celebrated with great importance. It is the birthday of the Lord Vinayaga and is given equal importance alongwith the other festivals. Since the Lord Shiva is also one of the main deities over here, Maha Sivaratri is also celebrated. It is believed that Maha sivaratri is the day when the Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati and to signifythat the temple will be kept open for the wholenight and will be experienced with the rushing flow of devotees from all around.
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