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  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple
  • Palani Andavar Murugan Temple

Palani Andavar Murugan Temple

Vaitheeshwaran Koil,Nagai, TamilNadu
(SKU: TN51/1148)
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The Pullirukkuvelur or Vaitheeswarantemple is a Hindu temple which has been built to honor god Shiva. This beautiful temple is situated in Tamil Nadu. In this temple Lord Shiva is revered in the form of Vaitheeswaran or the "God of healing". A myth surrounds the worship of Vaitheeswaran which is that on worshipping this god it will be able to cure diseases.Within the temple complex are the holy waters which contains nectar, and a holy dip is believed to cure all diseases.The temple is more worshipped by the Tevaram chants of seventhcentury Saiva nayanars also known as the saint poets. It is also referred to as the Paadal Petra Sthalam or a temple which is also worshipped by the nayanars.
From the times of the Ramayana period, Saptarishi, Rama and Lakshmana have worshipped all the deity in this place. A legend tells us that Rama and Lakshmana cremated the bird king Jatayu who was killed by Ravana when he tried to save Sita from the clutches of Ravana at this place. You will also be able to come across a pond at this temple by the name of Jatayu kundam. Angaraka or Mars is one of thenineplanets was inflicted with leprosy and was cured by Vaidhyanathaswamy. It is for this reason that the temple is treated as a Navagraha Temple for the planet Angaraka. Parvati, who is considered to be the companion of Shiva requested that her son, Subramanya to come to her with one face from that of his everyday presence of six faces. On doing so she was pleased and gifted him vel or a weapon to ward of the demons. Subramanya defeat the demon Surapadman. It was during the war that his army was severely injured. Shiva became the healer Vaitheeswaran and cured the army of its wounds.In the temple, you will be able to come across a 5 layered gopuram or the temple tower and huge precincts. The central temple belongs to Vaitheeswaranwho is present as lingam in the inner most sanctums. A metal image of Subramanya, worhsipped here as MuthukumaraSwamywhich surrounds the 1stprecinct around the sanctum.Other metal images in the temple which consist of Somaskanda, Nataraja, Angarakaas well as the stone sculptures of Dakshinamoorthy, Durga, Jatayu, Surya (Sun god), Vedas and Sampati. The temple of Thaiyalnayaki who is seen standing with the medicinal oil to cure the diseases of the devotees is present in the second area facing south. The large area also has a small altar to Dhanvantari as well as the altar of Angaraka in stone sculpture. The gateway to the south from this area is headed towards the temple tank andit is facing directly the shrine of Thaiyalnayaki. You will also be able to see the Sthala Vriksha or the temple tree is that of margosa and it said to contain medicinal attributes. It is situated towards the eastern gateway of the temple. You will also be able to see a fine metal image of Gangavisarjanar inside the temple.
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