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Shanidev is one of the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu astrology. Shanidev is embodied in the planet Saturn. Saturn represents a loss of awareness, or ignorance. This loss of awareness can also mean the diminishing awareness of the material world of manifestation.The word Shani also denotes the seventh day or Saturday in most Indian languages. 

Lord Shani is the son of Suryadev. His younger brother is Yamraj, the Hindu god of death, who in some scriptures corresponds to the deliverance of justice. Surya's two sons Shanidev and Yama judge. It is believed that Shanidev gives the results of one's deeds through one's life through appropriate punishments and rewards; Yama grants the results of one's deeds after death.

Shanidev, along with the Goddess Jyestha, Lord Yama, and Goddess Nirrti, are associated with the crow in Hindu mythology. In Hindu mythology, crows symbolize harmful and inauspicious characteristics, both of which Shani possesses. Lord Shani is worshipped on Saturdays. Offerings are made to him in the form of his favourite items like oil, black cloth, black seeds, mustard oil. 

It is believed that when Shanidev opened his eyes as a new born, the sun went into an eclipse, which signifies the impact of Shanidev on astrological charts. His blessings are considered to be important in an individual's horoscope for bestowing him with mass following and popularity. Shani Jayanti falls on the Amavasya of Jyeshta month of Hindu calendar.